Frequently Asked Questions
Answers found below for:
- Practices
- Games
- Guidelines
- Ball Size
- Gear
- Season Dates
- Registration
- Refunds
- Skills
- Requests
- Communications
- Sponsorships
- Weather
- Pictures
- Trainers
- Coaches
- Board Meetings
Q: When are practices and games?
A: A master practice schedule will be listed on our website under the your team tab. Coaches will email their teams in regards to practice times, location, and dates. Practices begin 1-2 weeks before the first game, weather permitting. Practice for U5/U6 is once a week at about 45-60 minutes long and twice a week for U7-U14 in the evening between 5:00-7:15pm. Travel teams may practice 60-75 minutes per your coach's discretion. All practice will be held at Keller Park located at 97th Ave & Merrillville Rd.
Q: When are the games?
A: In-house games will be held at Lemon Lake County Park on Saturdays between 9am-2pm. No dogs or smoking are allowed on the premises of the soccer fields during CPYS Games. Travel games will be held mainly on Sunday afternoons but some Saturday afternoon games may occur. Utilize the Game Changer app ( to check your team’s game times for both in-house and travel games. Coaches will designate snacks rotation of parents for in-house teams up to U8. Scores are not kept in U5, U6, U7 or U8 - at this age it’s not about the score but rather fun and developing a passion for the game. U10 and up keeps score and will have a tournament at the end of the season.
We ask there be no over-the-top shouting from the sidelines; instead, we encourage families to cheer positively for their team. Also, please allow the coach to coach his/her team. It can be confusing when a child is given multiple directions. CPYS is focused on creating a safe, positive environment where children can gain new skills, compete with other children at their level, and have fun. Click Here to Read Expectations
Q. What size ball does my child need?
A: Size 3-for U6-U8
Size 4-for U10-U12
Size 5-for U14 and up
Q: What gear does my child need?
A: The player is responsible for a ball (see sizing above), soccer cleats (no metal), shin guards (must be worn under socks during games). No earrings are allowed per Say Soccer and NWISL rules. In-house teams will be provided a t-shirt, which is included in the registration fees. Travel uniforms are updated every two years (next update Fall 2021). Players may select any jersey number. Duplicate numbers are allowed on the same team.
Uniform order:

Q: When does the Spring/Fall Season start and end?
A: Generally the Spring Season begins early April and ends at the end of May/beginning of June. Registration is in December/January.
Generally the Fall Season begins mid August and ends early/mid October. Registration is in June.
Q: What division does my child play in?
A: Please see our Registration Age Chart on the left hand side of our website: here.
Q: Can my child play up a division?
A: Please note that per Say Soccer and NWISL rules, a child may play UP but they may not play DOWN. In general, it is not recommended that a child play up unless he or she is demonstrating soccer skills that greatly surpass his/her peers.
InHouse has much more flexibility than Travel as NWISL has the final say on players playing up.
-NWISL Travel
It is the policy of CPYS that no player under the age of 12 shall be allowed to play in the U14 division. CPYS is dedicated to providing a safe and healthy environment for children to grow, learn and develop a love for the game. In order to achieve this we will stand in compliance with the SAY Soccer recommendation from the
rulebook; Page 3 NO-HEADING Policy.
Any request for a player to be moved up from any age division must come in writing from the coach and be approved by the Travel Reps via email. If needed a formal evaluation may be done to determine the players' skill and physical ability to play in a higher division. The final decision for any player requesting to play up will be the sole decision of the Travel Reps, not the coaches.
Q: How much is registration?
A: In-house is $110/$120 (Jersey Top Included) and travel is $170 (Must purchase own uniform).
*To play in U8-U10 travel, your child must first have played for 1 season on an in-house team or have similar experience with another club. Questions on this can be directed to [email protected]
Q: Can I register if I don't live in Crown Point.
A: Yes. For in-house, simply register. For travel, register and then contact the club of the city (or township) you live in and ask for form to transfer to Crown Point. If your city does not have a club, simply register. It is very rare for the city of where you live to deny the transfer, but it has happened.
Q: I missed the registration deadline, can you make an exception?
A: There is NO late registration for travel, as rosters are due to NWISL on a specific date.
In-house has late registration with a $25 fee. Our club is a non-profit organization run by volunteer board members and need time to do all the background work before a season begins.
Q: What is the refund policy?
A: In- House: A full refund of only will be given prior to registration closing. A 50% refund will be given prior to practices starting. No refunds issued after the first day of practice. Travel: There will be no refunds issued for travel after the close of registration.
Q: How come my child is not doing “drills” at practice?
A: Our curriculum we share with the coaches was developed over a period of time from SAY Soccer and Leading Premier Leagues in NWI. It’s always being revised and updated. Research has shown that overall skill development begins by repetition and large numbers of touches on the ball with guidance and correction by the coach. For children, ages 5-8, practice should be engaging, fun, and interactive in order to develop a sense of pride in oneself and connect to the identity of a larger group. Children should also practice footwork at home to improve ball control and develop further as a player
Q: I have a special request. Where do I notify the club about it?
A: When registering your child for soccer you will see a white box asking for requests. We will make every attempt possible to accommodate your request, but we cannot guarantee that it can be done. We try to accommodate requests for placing siblings together, putting friends together for car-pooling reasons, scheduling practices at a certain time to fit with work or school schedules, but we are limited to the number of special requests that can be met. We have between 500-600 kids per season with special requests from over 75% of them. We simply cannot accommodate all of them. Travel teams are created based upon previous play and evaluations at the discretion of our Travel Rep. In-house teams are created by our Coordinators.
Q: Can I sponsor Crown Point Youth Soccer?
A: Yes, sponsorships are an integral part in the success and future growth of Crown Point Youth Soccer. Your business’s name and logo will appear on an in-house jersey as part of a "league sponsor." If you are interested in a sponsorship please - Click here
Q: What are the guidelines for cancellation of games in regards to weather?
A: Games will be played in the rain, but maybe canceled due to standing water in the fields or lightning. Check your emails on Saturday morning to look for cancellations. Make-up games will be held during the following week: Monday 9am games, Tuesday 10 am games, Wednesday 11 am games, Thursday 12 am games, and Friday 1pm games or as arranged by your coach. Referees will not be present for make up games.
Q: Where and when will Picture Day take place?
A: Picture Day is determined season by season. Each team will be given a 15 minutes time slot. Individual pictures may be taken as well. Pictures forms are handed to coaches at the coaches’ meeting. Pictures can also be ordered online. CPYS will send out an email when the date is established, and your coach will contact you about your time slot. A makeup day will also be given for teams or individuals.
Q: What are the trainers and why do I not see them at every practice?
A: CPYS has hired local trainers with soccer experience and in-depth knowledge of the sport. Our club consists of volunteer parents with various levels of knowledge on the sport. The trainers are there to “coach the coaches” and provide specific on-the-spot training for the coach to support his/her efforts in developing skills through guidance and positive reinforcement. Trainers are not hired to run every practice but are a resource for our coaches and our kids.
Q: How do I sign up to coach a team?
A: Simply register as a volunteer. CPYS is always in need of both head and assistant coaches. Our club is run on volunteers! A background check must be filled out prior to acceptance. Additionally, all coaches must complete a concussion online course and email the certificate back to the club. Curriculum will be provided, along with guidance from local trainers. Coaching is a rewarding and positive experience. The goal is to create lasting memories with your child.
Concussion sites:
Q: When are the meetings and who can attend?
A: The third Monday of every month at Bulldog Park at 7:30pm. Any parent who has a child registered with the Crown Point Youth Soccer Club can attend the meetings.
*Everyone is a volunteer (NO, we do not get paid!) putting in countless hours behind the scenes to keep this organization operating for your child to play soccer. If you have questions or are interested in getting involved with the club please do not hesitate to contact us.
Email: [email protected]